Woman using Sign Language to communicate

Learn the Basics of American Sign Language

| Burlington County Library

American Sign Language is used by more than 500,000 people, according to the Commission on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Not only is it spoken by folks who are deaf and hard of hearing, but it has become increasingly common for hearing folks to learn and become fluent in ASL.

While ASL is used in the U.S. and Canada, it is not English and does not translate easily to English. In fact, it has its own syntax and grammar and is used to convey ideas and concepts. Based on facial expressions and body language, one sign can be interpreted in many ways. However, when indicating things that need to be spelled out, ASL uses “fingerspelling,” which translates to the English alphabet.

In June’s Learning Circle, you’ll learn the basics of ASL, such as hand gesturing, fingerspelling, introducing yourself and more! By the end of the course, you’ll be able to use fingerspelling for your name and you’ll practice by having a simple conversation.

Using Udemy, you’ll work through the videos in the Basics of American Sign Language course, stopping occasionally to practice signing. Library staff will be there to work with you through the spelling and gestures in groups and pairs. You can participate with any amount of knowledge of ASL, whether you’re just learning or are more advanced.

The classes will take place on June 3 and June 17 from 6 pm to 7:30 pm at Burlington County Library. Registration is required for both dates if you would like to attend both classes.

Check out our other upcoming Learning Circles here.

Audience: Seniors Adult Teens
Diversity / Equity / Inclusion
Lifelong Learning