Shining A Light on (Her)story
Instance Title

This course will begin with covering early American women's history from the first colonial women who started arriving in the early 1600s. It will also review Native women, who were on this continent far longer and whose history has all but been erased. Additionally, it will cover the important role African-American played. Then, the course will trace women's history by exploring those who laid the groundwork before moving on to our Founding Mothers and America's first wave of feminism.

Presented by Dr. Jacquelin Agostini, Ph.D. Part of the Shining a Light on Her(story) series.

The first 5 classes (Jan. 17, 24, 31, Feb. 7, 14) will be hosted virtually over Zoom. The next 5 classes (Feb. 21, 28, Mar. 7, 14, 21) will be held in-person at the Burlington County LibraryRegistration is required if you would like to participate virtually for the first half of this series. Registration is optional if you would like to attend in-person for the second half of this series. If you register, you will receive a Zoom invitation the day of the event.

Check out the full class list! All classes are on Tuesdays from 10⁠–11:30am. Attending all of the classes is encouraged but not required.

  • Jan. 17: America’s First Ladies and their impact and influence. Who are your favorites?
  • Jan. 24: Healthcare Justice. The Pandemic has clearly shown us the disparities in access to Healthcare. Who are the most marginalized and who are the leaders is this movement?
  • Jan. 31: Affordable Childcare and a just division of labor both in and outside the home. What women are fighting for Justice and how can we help?
  • Feb. 7: Who is still fighting for voter’s rights, and what can we do to help?
  • Feb. 14: Women in the Arts. Documentary: “The Passionate Pursuits of Angela Bowen.”
  • Feb. 21: Showing a live movie at the Library: “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks”.
  • Feb. 28: Since we will be at the Library, let’s talk about the important role they have played and continue to play. .There is right wing attacks on free access to books!
  • Mar. 7: Guns in America, .leading to violence against children including increased suicide rates.
  • Mar. 14: The right to our bodies. 
  • Mar. 21: Fighting to protect our Mother Earth!
Audience: Adult, Seniors
Type: Sponsored Event
A group of women, sit on a staircase together
Tuesday, 1/24/2023
10:00 am - 11:30 am


Add to Calendar 2024-07-27 05:47:04 2024-07-27 05:47:04 Title Description Location Burlington County Library America/New_York public