Frontier Feminists
Instance Title
This event has been cancelled.

Historical novelist Jeff Heller focuses on two women who used their strong wills and courage in order to rise above difficult circumstances and control their own lives in the 1700s: Marie Chouteau, a French-American who founded a family dynasty in St. Louis, and Molly Brant, an Iroquois whose life of adventure as champion to her people inspired the early feminists in their struggle for women's rights.

Audience: Adult Seniors
Type: Sponsored Event
A group of women, sit on a staircase together
Thursday, 10/13/2022
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm


Add to Calendar 2024-05-17 02:22:20 2024-05-17 02:22:20 Title Description Location Burlington County Library America/New_York public