The Writers' Critique Group

Have you always wanted to write and sell a book? Do you have an in-progress or complete first draft? Bring along your work-in-progress for a helpful and inspiring group critique!

This group is hosted by Tina Gabrielle is a published author of cozy mysteries and historical romance novels, such as the Kebab Kitchen series. She also holds a law degree.

Participants are asked to bring up to five double-spaced pages of writing to share with the group. Each writer will be asked to present or read their work aloud. Positive comments and suggestions will be shared to help improve your work. Tina also offers suggestions on how to find the right agent and get published. This includes how to write a query letter to an editor or agent. Additionally, Tina shares her professional expertise by providing an overview of literary contracts.

  • Registration is required.
  • This event will take place in-person at the Cinnaminson Library.
Audience: Adult
Type: Sponsored Event
Person Writing in Notebook
Thursday, 6/27/2024
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Add to Calendar 2024-05-17 08:04:32 2024-05-17 08:04:32 Title Description Location Burlington County Library America/New_York public