BCLS Foundation

The BCLS Foundation is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit charitable organization with a mission to support and shape the libraries within the Burlington County Library System. Launched in 2015 by a group of dedicated volunteers, the organization has grown within a few short years to raise funds, seek grants and promote the library through advocacy.

Our mission is to seek private financial support to shape libraries as a fundamental community resource for now and for future generations.

Learn about the Foundation

Meet the Board Members

Patricia Lyndsay-Harvey [President], Edu-Sports Academy, Inc.

Stephen Raymond, Jr. [Vice-President], Raymond, Coleman & Heinold, LLP

Ralph Shrom [Secretary] Retired Library Commissioner

Carla Reinas [Treasurer]

Ranjna Das, Library Director

Vinessa Milando, Berkshire Hathaway

Deepa Patel, Arbutus Biopharma Corporation

Holly Srogota, PMA Insurance Group

Michael Staff, Jewish Community Foundation

Ashley Eural, AE Arts & Consulting

Amy Geurin, Parker McCay P.A.


Are you interested in joining the board?

Email a letter of interest to foundation@bclsf.org

Discover What We Do

Our libraries are important to us because they promote learning and provide resources to all. We have committed to the long-term success of our library system by the engaging in the following activities:

  • Seeking funds through grants and other foundations.
  • Investing funds into library services, programs and initiatives.
  • Hosting programs for community enrichment.
  • Soliciting individual and corporate gifts, contributions and sponsorships.

How Can I Support the Foundation

Support Our Efforts & Donate

We offer a number of ways to contributing to the success of our library system!

  1. Donate via our secure online portal
  2. Send a contribution to: BCLS Foundation, 5 Pioneer Boulevard, Westampton NJ 08060

Help Build Our Endowment Fund

What is an endowment fund?
An endowment fund is designed to spin off annual income to benefit the BCLS Foundation, typically 5% of the value of the fund. We have partnered with the Community Foundation of South Jersey to manage donations into our endowment fund, and your current gift into this fund will help ensure that the BCLS Foundation will thrive for many years to come.

No gift is too small, and in fact even small gifts can grow over time since the fund is professionally invested, allowing more dollars to be distributed as the value increases.

Make a donation on our partner site.


Recommend Us Through Your Donor-Advised Fund

If you hold a donor advised fund, you can recommend a grant to the BCLS Foundation. Please consult with your donor-advised fund provider on how to process your grant.

These funds are administered by a nonprofit entity whose sole purpose is to manage charitable donations on behalf of organizations, families, or individuals. Generally, a donating individual or organization opens an account in the fund and deposits cash, securities, or other financial instruments which they may donate to an organization of their choice.