Baby & Toddler Time

Join us for a fun-filled interactive event, which includes stories, rhymes, movement, and more! We focus on building early literacy skills through naming colors, counting, letter recognition, etc. in a fun, interactive environment. Caregivers are encouraged to participate in the fun! Baby & Toddler Time is also a great place to socialize with other families and meet new friends.

  • This program is designed for children age 5 & under
Audience: Kids, Babies & Toddlers
Type: Storytime
Woman with glasses reading to a group of children
Tuesday, 9/10/2024
10:30 am - 11:00 am


Add to Calendar 2024-09-12 18:01:54 2024-09-12 18:01:54 Title Description Location Burlington County Library America/New_York public