Borrowing Explained

Ways to Borrow

  • Customers may borrow physical material via checkout at any BCLS Location
  • Customers may borrow 35 items per card
  • Customers may borrow items via Library by Mail or the Mobile Library
  • Customers may borrow books, audiobooks, and magazines via Libby and Overdrive.

Borrowing Guide

Borrowed Material Loan Period Max. Allowed
for Borrowing
Renewal Limit Daily Overdue Fine
Books, music, magazines, CD audiobooks 28 Days 35 items or less 2 No Fines
DVDs & Video Games 1 week DVDs: 7
Video Games: 2
2 No Fines
Digital Collection on Overdrive/Libby 7, 14, or 21 days 10 No limits No Fines
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) 21 days 3 No renewals 25ยข
Technology on Loan (mobile hotspots, tablets, Chromebooks, Launchpads) 3 weeks 3 1 renewal for 2 weeks No Fines
Museum Passes 3 days 1 No renewals $25
Borrow a Book Club Bags 8 weeks 1 No renewals $1
Classroom Kits 6 Weeks 1 No renewals $1


Requesting Items

  • Up to 35 requests may be placed on items found in the Library Catalog
    • These may be requested in person, by telephone, or online. 
    • You will be notified by phone, email, or text message when the hold is available; they are only held for 5 days.
  • Up to 10 items may be reserved in the Overdrive & Libby
  • Customers may request items via Library by Mail

Service Fees

  • Items borrowed through Interlibrary Loan are subject to a $3.00 service fee per item
  • Items borrowed through Library by Mail are subject to $1.00 service fee per item